Helping you create a happier and healthier you...
Hello there...
Health, Fitness and Wellness
My name is Colleen Brown and I am the founder of Be a Healthy Mind. I am a qualified Meditation and Breath work Coach, Fitness Instructor. With everything I’ve learnt, I’ve designed and built the Be a Healthy Mind programme for people who are wanting to create a happier and healthier mind. I’ve designed the Be a Healthy Mind programme which combines the best health, fitness and wellness techniques in a way that’s simple to help you create a healthier mind.
A little bit
About me
A few years ago I wasn’t in a very nice place internally. I was really struggling to except myself for I was and honestly I really didn’t like myself. I felt like who I was, wasn’t as important or valued as much as other people. I simply wasn’t good enough…I remember walking through town one-day thinking how I wasn’t as important as everyone else who were walking past me. What I had to say in conversations wasn’t important. I even thought people wouldn’t want to know me if they ever knew the real me. Thinking about this now and how I felt about myself is absolute madness!!! It’s crazy that I felt like that. I believed those negative voices and that self-critic. They just wouldn’t stop especially at night. I was stuck in a rut of low confidence, shame, & self-doubt. But I changed and am now helping my clients do the same.
It's time to...
Replace Crazy with Calm
We live in a crazy, stressful and busy time. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, with all of the demands put on us and we don’t have any time to focus on ourselves. What I mean by taking time for ourselves is not just focusing on things like bubble baths or nights out with our friends. It’s about being mindful of what’s going on inside of us and working out what we can do to feel better about life and ourselves.
When we take time for ourselves then we manage life and its challenges so much better. It’s about understanding what causes our stress, what stops us from achieving our goals and how to feel better about ourselves.
If you want to make a positive change in your life, then you are the only one who can. Make a change and make it happen.
Introducing the...
Be a Healthy Mind Programme
What if I told you that there’s a way to lower your stress, stay on track with achieving your goals, and become happier all at the same time? The Be a Healthy Mind is a 6-week programme that aims to increase your health and happiness by introducing new habits to your daily routine, encouraging you to get active, and helping you become more aware of what is good for your body/soul helping you to become more centred within yourself.
A holistic approach to...
A happier & healthier you
It's time to take action
Get in contact
If you have a question about The Be a Healthy Mind Programme then please fill out the contact form below. Alternatively, you can book a 30-minute Discovery call with me by clicking here.